Sunday, September 9, 2007

They feel helpless...but you shouldn't

Western Darfur is home to certain rebel groups identified as African and Muslim. Therefore, the Sudanese government (claimed Arab) has removed nearly 2,500,000 ordinary African and Muslim civilians from their villages and properties.

A similar story: Carl dates three girls over the course of two years. All three relationships have ended because the girl has cheated on Carl. Carl then decides that all women are the same and he begins to steal from them, burn their homes down, and murder them.

Does this make sense to you?

Don't feel helpless because Darfur is so far from your everyday life. Become one of many who is attempting to right the world with human rights organizations. Raise awareness in our community. A team of runners is doing just that in Washington D.C. to raise money and save lives. Tell UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to urge a "peacekeeping force" by signing an online petition. Simple acts will not go unnoticed.

When the rest of the world recognizes the severity of Darfur's situation, we can begin to right the wrong. It's evident that this mass killing is not just and the more people that know about it, the more we can do to help. Past the stage of prevention, it is now time to intervene.

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