Sunday, September 23, 2007

Schools For Schools

Invisible Children is an international non-profit organization in the United States dedicated to bettering the economy of northern Uganda. The people in this small piece of the world have seen torture, starvation, and constant effects of war for the past 21 years. Because this war has lasted so long, total counts for civilian deaths reach as high as current Darfur and Cambodian numbers. Also, because this war has lasted so long, not many people realize the overall effects of this slow, mass killing process.

Schools for Schools is one of their programs working to build responsibilities and education in the minds of Ugandan children. Invisible Children gains its support through the minds of United States and international students by getting them directly involved. These schools raise money and awareness and then ship their proceeds to northern Ugandan schools. The program attempts to find the already academically stimulated institutions of northern Uganda and raise their performance even more so. The goal is to raise the education standards of northern Uganda to the level of the rest of the country. This is done by providing the proper facilities and educators necessary to make leaders and independent thinkers in the northern Ugandan society.

1 comment:

ELM said...

Nice, Rachel. What's your opinion about all this?

Also, a guy named Ethan Helm, who graduated from Lake Forest last year, participated in this contest, and LFC was one of the top ten to raise money. Justin Messmore, a sophomore, and Claire Williams, a senior, got to go to Uganda this summer. I'm sure they'd be happy to talk to you for a future blog post. Claire is heading up Invisible Children this year at LFC, so if people are interested in getting involved, they can contact her!