Sunday, September 9, 2007

Genocide Awareness

Genocide awareness is a major international problem. Many people are unable to comprehend that type of inhumane act and therefore it ceases to exist in their everyday conscience. It is difficult to grasp how people can live in a world where there is so much destruction and killing. Part of this blindness is our lack of awareness.
There are two parts to unawareness, not having access to information and not bothering to find out. It is ridiculously easy for people in the United States to write off the horrendous events that are happening throughout the world for a very simple reason: It doesn’t affect them.
I know from personal experience this oblivious mindset. Up until last winter, I had never heard of Darfur or the problems occurring there. It shocked me to discover that Darfur is the first time in history that a conflict has been labeled under genocide while still going on. This labeling marks the beginning of better awareness in the United States and across the world.
Sadly, this labeling of the events in Darfur is not enough to put an end to this genocide. It has been two years since President Bush declared Darfur genocide, yet it is still occurring. Awareness is not the only factor in preventing genocide.

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