Sunday, September 9, 2007

How effective?

Why is educating people not enough? In a time when students of both the highschool and college level are being criticized for supporting a cause they don't understand, wouldn't it be a better use of our time to help make information more readily available? With organizations like STAND, why is awareness so hard to promote? And why are people donating money to a cause they know little or nothing about? Although I am referring specifically to the situation in Darfur, the level of awareness has undeniably been both a problem and an asset in almost ever single genocide that has taken place in the last century. One of the single most similarities that has taken place in these genocides is that governments did nothing until everyday citizens started noticing and publicly discussing the lack of action on the part of a government. So why not spend more time raising awareness as well as the level of discussion and promote fundraisers as a secondary prevention?

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