Saturday, September 8, 2007

America's Genocide

At the end of one class, Professor Krantz assigned reading in a book called Becoming Evil. This book by James Waller looks at how the average person could commit the terrible acts of genocide. The different points it brings up are really interesting and I recommend it to all.

Waller writes about many psychological experiments and their outcomes but keeps humanity in his book with actual events at the end of each chapter. The event after the first chapter was about America's own genocide against the Native Americans. This was a subject that I did not know much about. My education prior to this class covered the relocation of Native Americans but never the brutal force and killings. I was shocked by what Mr. Waller had written. I had never heard of such extreme instances committed against the Native Americans. I'm a little disappointed in myself for not realizing the destruction that occurred. The neighborhood I grew up in is actually situated on the Trail of Tears and I was still ignorant to this. It is devastating to read some of the things that happened. Maybe I am the only one that missed this in their schooling but I don't think that is the case.

I believe that it is important for all of us to look at past situations to truly understand and take care of current predicaments. So, do some reading, learn about America's own genocide and become aware.

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