Monday, September 17, 2007

"First They Killed My Father:..."

In my previous English class last year, we discussed about the genocide in Cambodia during 1975-1979. I was amazed by the fact that over 700,000 men of Khmer Rouge guerrilla movement, under Pol Pot’s command had caused the death of approximately 2 million Cambodians.

A book with title “First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers,” was written by Loung Ung, a Cambodian genocide survivor. The author wrote about her life prior to Khmer Rouge and how her families, friends and she had been affected from the three years of the massacre. After having read the book, I have acquired more knowledge about the genocide in Cambodia. If you are interested to know more about the Cambodian genocide, I recommend you to read this book.

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