Sunday, September 30, 2007

Actions Speak Louder

These past couple of weeks, the world’s focus has centered around the country of Myanmar, what used to be known as Burma. There, peaceful activism had begun and been mainly led by the Buddhist monks in that country. Other than the military, monks are the largest majority group in Myanmar. They are also highly revered as religious leaders and are some of the most respected individuals. The military, however, has taken action against those monks as well as other protestors, shooting and killing many as well as blockading the monasteries so the monks cannot leave.
As most media is pointing out, the demonstrations are beginning to die out. Although many petitions have been started, and other groups are protesting around the world, it still doesn’t help if the military that have control over Myanmar is still blindly following orders from the leaders of that country. As this article points out, the greatest opportunity for change will only come if the younger generations of military officers begin to think for themselves and start to take action against the dictatorship.

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