Sunday, October 7, 2007

What next?

As awful as it is to admit, articles about Genocide and Mass Killings are a fairly frequent occurrence in today's newspapers. Although these are a common sight they are still vital to the education of modern society and still hard to stomach, however I discovered a new low of mass killings when on I encountered an article about rebels in the Congo attacking a wildlife habitat that houses endangered mountain Gorillas. Throughout the last several weeks of our class we have been discussing what type of person participates in mass killing, reading this article made me wonder, what would posses someone to participate in the mass killings of animals? And if they are simply victims of a conflict zone then why are rebels taking the time to kill the animals "execution style" or for that matter why bother breaking in more than once to kill them? How is it that the next phase of executing innocent bystanders is gorillas?

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