Sunday, October 14, 2007

Responsibilities in Iraq

Many of the problems which the US has faced in the struggles in the Middle east have come from a lack of planning. What has taken these situations and made the unmanageable is that no one is willing to to take responsibility for what has happened.

While responsibility has been dodged from the lowest levels to the very highest in the US occupation of Iraq, the most recent example comes from the company Blackwater, a private security company which offers protection and safe travels to American civilians in the middle east.

In this instance, these private security workers opened fire, unprovoked, wounding 27 Iraqis, and killing 17. The company Blackwater, despite having mass media remark on the unprovoked shootings, issued official statements saying that the security workers were shooting in response to enemy fire, and only in self defense. Time and time again, in both the political and extra political workers of the US government, our nations greatest problems have come due to the shirking of responsiblities and avoidance of being blamed.

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