Monday, October 1, 2007

Turkey & EU?

I read BBC New’s online discussion on the question whether Turkey should be allowed to join the European Union or not. Surprisingly, a Cypriot from the Greek side of Cyprus, states that Turkey should be allowed to join the EU because it would help Turkey to solve its dilemmas with Cyprus and Armenia. I find this statement rather amusing since it is said that the EU members should practice freedom of speech and take care of its citizens’ civil rights. Just today I read an article of a Turkish novelist who is put on trial because a character in her latest novel refers to the deaths of Armenians in the genocide. So, why should Turkey be given a privilege of fixing its problems only after joining the EU instead of before even considering of joining? In my opinion, there is no possibility for Turkey to join the EU before recognizing the Armenian genocide. As long as the Turkish government denies the events of the 1910’s and manipulates Turkey’s citizens, there is no room for Turkey in the EU. freedom of speech is not practiced in Turkey, which Nevertheless, I think that the European Union should put its effort on fixing the problems in Turkey and fully encourage Turkey to acknowledge the genocide and pursue to heal the relationship with Armenia.

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