The genocide in Darfur, Sudan has caused many to raise another question: why is it my problem? Furthermore, what can I do?
Yet the action of students, policy experts, and advocates has kept Darfur on the radar screens of government officials. For those who have no faith that this movement is making progress, meet the Responsibility to Protect, a document that many governments have accepted but has yet to be effectively implemented. You'll see this new approach to preventing genocide in the tools that STAND and the Genocide Intervention Network have developed.
While it's important for us to take immediate action to end the genocide in Darfur (you can do so be clicking here, here, or here), it's also important to put in place a long-term system to raise awareness about genocide prevention and empower students to ensure this system is implemented.
The first step is education. The students in this class are from all over the world. They represent different backgrounds, interests, and talents. They're here to show you that there's a way to translate knowledge in the classroom to action in the world.
So meet the First-year studies students of Professor Krantz, hear what they have to say, and join the discussion!
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