Sunday, November 18, 2007

Islamic Threat Rising

Are we in the midst of the beginning of a potential genocide? In the Middle East, the Islamic fundamentalists are steadily rising. A Fundamentalist is "a political individual" in search of a "more original Islam." Islamic fundamentalism has replaced communism as the today’s enemy. Their mission is to kill all "infidels" in defense of Islam. The fundamentalists will stop at nothing to accomplish their goals. An increase in funding and personnel can lead to larger and more destructive terrorist acts. If they gain more followers what will the world be facing? Some scholars argue that the United States must shift its focus from trying to crush radical Islamic movements militarily to pursing policies that discourage their development. Other scholars concur that U.S. policy is aggravating rather than minimizing conflict with Islamic extremism. Across the board it is agreed that something must be done about this rising threat.

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